Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wet Photography!

Hello there!  We're entering the dog days of summer, as far as the pond garden is concerned.  With the end of the Iris season, comes long hot days, too much shade, and the garden begins to turn into a jungle.  We are still waiting for the commencement of Daylily blooms, which should occur soon.

However, I have been occupying my time (along with watering the bog) by attacking the pond and garden with my camera.  Here are a few shots you might enjoy!


  1. I think you should paint the 4th up from the bottom. Reminds me of work by Rob Gonsalves.

  2. Interesting! I will have to look him up. Something strange about photos--if they are really good, my first thought is to paint them, but then i don't want to paint them because the art is already made with the photo. It's a dilemma!

  3. I vote, do them both. I agree the art already is the photo... but can't the painting be an interpretation? Either way, you'll have wonderful reference photos in the darkest days of winter. Just the thing to pull you through a snowstorm! Let me know if you ever decide to have prints made - its surrealism in your backyard and would be interesting hanging on a wall.
